Nova supports using the websockify –record functionality to capture frames sent over arbitrary console sessions.  Currently, the record = path/to/file option in nova.conf saves these sessions on nova-(spice|vnc)proxy endpoints at the specified path in the format of /path/to/file.(session number).  These session numbers appear to be incrementally created starting from 1 and don’t really have an association with their respective instance from what I can tell.  It would be useful to have these files saved using the instance UUID instead.


Ignoring that minor problem, playing back these files is a challenge.  I’ve tried using noVNCs vnc_playback.html function from both the master branch and stable/v0.6 with no luck – it looks like the libraries and the utilities haven’t been maintained at the same cadence and there are missing functions that the player is expecting.


My goal here is to be able to capture the activities of students as they progress through various exercises and then have instructors be able to go over their work with them after the fact if they have questions.  Has anyone been able to do this (or something like this) successfully, or are we just better off trying to do this in-band per instance?


Chris Apsey