Bonjour, J’ai mis en place openstack, sur une VM Ubuntu 22.04. L’installation s’est bien passé: J’ai créé un compte et un projet, ainsi que toute les étapes pour la création d’une instance Ubuntu 18. Mais lors de lancement de l’instance, je n’ai que des messages d’erreur. Ma question: Est ce qu’il y’a quelqu’un qui peut m’aider et me fournir une procédure complète et testée. Avec mes vifs remerciements Le ven. 5 mai 2023 à 20:09, <> a écrit :
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Today's Topics:
1. [release] Release countdown for week R-21, May 08-12 (El?d Ill?s) 2. Re: Kubernetes Conformance 1.24 + 1.25 (Guilherme Steinm?ller)
Message: 1 Date: Fri, 5 May 2023 14:30:58 +0000 From: El?d Ill?s <> To: "" <> Subject: [release] Release countdown for week R-21, May 08-12 Message-ID: < VI1P18901MB07511B14C9655567C4A5EC88FF729@VI1P18901MB0751.EURP189.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM
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Development Focus -----------------
The Bobcat-1 milestone is next week, on May 11th, 2023! Project team plans for the 2023.2 Bobcat cycle should now be solidified.
General Information -------------------
Libraries need to be released at least once per milestone period. Next week, the release team will propose releases for any library which had changes but has not been otherwise released since the 2023.1 Antelope release. PTLs or release liaisons, please watch for these and give a +1 to acknowledge them. If there is some reason to hold off on a release, let us know that as well, by posting a -1. If we do not hear anything at all by the end of the week, we will assume things are OK to proceed.
NB: If one of your libraries is still releasing 0.x versions, start thinking about when it will be appropriate to do a 1.0 version. The version number does signal the state, real or perceived, of the library, so we strongly encourage going to a full major version once things are in a good and usable state.
Upcoming Deadlines & Dates --------------------------
Bobcat-1 milestone: May 11th, 2023 OpenInfra Summit Vancouver (including PTG): June 13-15, 2023 Final 2023.2 Bobcat release: October 4th, 2023
El?d Ill?s irc: elodilles @ #openstack-release