On 2019-09-06 13:24:44 -0500 (-0500), Miguel Lavalle wrote:
We have decided to remove from the Neutron repo the following feature branches:
feature/graphql feature/lbaasv2 feature/pecan feature/qos
We don't need to preserve any state from these branches. In the case of the first one, no code was merged. The work in the other three branches is already merged into master.
Sanity-checking feature/lbaasv2, `git merge-base` between it and master suggest cc400e2 is the closest common ancestor. There are 4 potentially substantive commits on feature/lbaasv2 past that point which do not seem to appear in the master branch history: 7147389 Implement Jinja templates for haproxy config cfa4a86 Tests for extension, db and plugin for LBaaS V2 02c01a3 Plugin/DB additions for version 2 of LBaaS API 4ed8862 New extension for version 2 of LBaaS API Do you happen to know whether these need to be preserved (or what happened with them)? -- Jeremy Stanley