
I have a weird error while performing live migration of trove instances. The instance has a root disk residing on a local compute node and a second a second disk is attached from shared storage via cinder.  There are two networks attached with the instance, one is vlan backed and other one is geneve. 

When I try to perform its live migration, it fails. I see below errors in libvirt logs and the same in nova-compute logs.

Jan 19 15:56:54 host03.cloud.com libvirtd[731030]: Cannot start job (query, none, none) for domain instance-00000819; current job is (none, none, migration in) owned by (0 <null>, 0 <null>, 0 remoteDispatchDomainMigratePrepare3Params (flags=0x9b)) for (0s, 0s, 61s)
Jan 19 15:56:54 host03.cloud.com libvirtd[731030]: Timed out during operation: cannot acquire state change lock (held by monitor=remoteDispatchDomainMigratePrepare3Params)
Jan 19 15:36:30 host03.cloud.com libvirtd[731030]: migration successfully aborted

Any advise how to fix it ? I am using below libvirt version.

libvirt 6.0
qemu-kvm 4.2
kernel 5.4
nova 24.0
