Hi, the instances are being evacuated: 2024-01-23 08:27:48.579 6 INFO nova.compute.manager [req-d9713a02-2cfd-4503-9dd8-cce1a0db0c73 - - - - -] [instance: 4a7dc6ed-d4f7-465d-a02c-19757cd04016] Destroying instance as it has been evacuated from this host but still exists in the hypervisor 2024-01-23 08:27:49.668 6 INFO nova.virt.libvirt.driver [-] [instance: 4a7dc6ed-d4f7-465d-a02c-19757cd04016] Instance destroyed successfully. This is either triggered by other operators with such permissions or admins, or do you have Masakari enabled? If the evacuation was successful, I'd expect the instances running on a different compute node. But if you say they were down you'll need to check the logs on the destination compute nodes to find out why the evacuation failed. Regards, Eugen Zitat von Karera Tony <tonykarera@gmail.com>:
Hello Team, I have an openstack environment with 4 compute Nodes however yesterday out of the blue, the Instances on one of the compute nodes started shutting themselves down. Then I realized the the compute service was disabled when I checked in Horizon. I enabled it and restarted the instances and all was well but I cant figure out what caused it. I have attached the nova_compute logs here incase someone would like to support
Tony Karera