Hi,This is Jaesuk Ahn from OpenStack Korea User Group.I would like announce my candidacy to serve as the User Committee.
As a strong advocate of OpenStack community, I have been involved in OpenStack
from 2010, founded OpenStack Korea Community in 2011, and been a coordinator of
the Korea community since then. I have devoted myself to build an open and
healthy local community, in addition, I have always been trying to be a good
arbitrator between local and global community to embrace a diversity together.
Here are articles about various events that I have been one of main organizers
and program chair of the events [1], [2], [3]. Please see the presentation [4]
I did with two other community leaders on how we have built community in Korea.From a technical point of view, I have been leading OpenStack dev team since
2010. I have switched companies during those years but was able to focus on one
thing: deployment automation & lifecycle management of OpenStack. OpenStack-Helm,and Airship are the most recent efforts on this line of work in my career.Here is my linkedin profile stating my work during the last 10 years [5].
I am currently leading a development team to work on openstack-on-kubernetes in
SK Telecom. I have made an architectural decision to leverage kubernetes for
OpenStack lifecycle management in 2016, that this decision eventually led us to
collaborate with AT&T team. As a result of community collaboration with AT&T,I am happy to see both OpenStack-Helm project and Airship project active inthe community.if I am chosen by the community, I am fully committed to hear various voicesfrom many community members, especially from community members who hasdifficulties in language and time barrier. I will do my best to collaborate with others tomake OpenStack community more diverse and active.
[1] https://superuser.openstack.org/articles/building-new- foundations-openinfra-days- korea/
[2] https://superuser.openstack.org/articles/openstack-korea- days-2017/
[3] https://superuser.openstack.org/articles/openstack-day-in- korea-2015-to-infinity-and- beyond/
[4] https://www.slideshare.net/openstack_kr/boston-summit- what-makes-it-possible-to-run- openstack-community-for-three- generations
[5] https://www.linkedin.com/in/jsahn/
ThanksJaesuk Ahn, Ph.D.Cloud Labs, SK Telecom