
So https://review.opendev.org/#/c/759449/ merged and we have stable/victoria for https://github.com/openstack/python-tripleoclient/tree/stable/victoria and https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-common/tree/stable/victoria. We have tests running e.g. https://review.opendev.org/#/c/760106/ .

REMINDER PLEASE AVOID MERGING to stable/victoria tripleoclient/common for now until
we are confident that our jobs are doing the right thing!

Per the plan outlined in the message I'm replying to, please let's avoid merging anything to client/common victoria until we have branched stable/victoria for all the repos (implying we are happy with ci).

Thanks in advance for your patience - without adequate ci coverage it will be very easy to unintentionally break another part of the code and there are many parts in tripleo ;)

On Fri, Oct 23, 2020 at 6:44 PM Marios Andreou <marios@redhat.com> wrote:
Hello all,

I got some pings about tripleo stable/victoria so here is an update.

The tripleo-ci team is busy preparing and we are almost ready. Basically we've blocked branching until we have adequate CI coverage. This means check & gate jobs but also promotion jobs so that check & gate aren't running with stale content.

tl;dr We are aiming to branch victoria tripleoclient & common today and everything else next week - with more details below but please note:

PLEASE AVOID MERGING to the stable/victoria tripleoclient/common that will appear after [4] until we are confident that our ci coverage is working well. 


Most of our 'core' (standalone/scenarios/undercloud etc) check/gate jobs match on branch like [1] so we expect those to run OK once there is a stable/victoria available. There is ongoing work for branchful, upgrade, 3rd party and ovb jobs but we will not block branching on those.

The victoria integration pipeline [2] (which produces current-tripleo) is in good shape. It was blocked on a nit in the component pipeline but it is resolved with [3]. Once we have a victoria promotion then we should be all clear to branch stable/victoria.


A). today: make stable/victoria for python-tripleoclient & tripleo-common. The change at [4] will do this once merged. We will use this to see our check/gate jobs run against victoria & fix issues.

B). next week: once we are happy with A). AND we've had a promotion, we release and make stable/victoria for everything else.

Hopefully B). will happen end of next week but that depends on how well the above goes (plus inevitable delays cos PTG),

I'll repeat this cos it's important:

PLEASE AVOID MERGING to stable/victoria tripleoclient/common for now until we are confident that our jobs are doing the right thing!

As always grateful for a sanity check or any thoughts about any of the above - I'm pretty new to this (weshay has been a great help so far thank you weshay++),



[1] https://opendev.org/openstack/tripleo-ci/src/commit/d5514028452f9d427949f5a8fac26b48bd0d7c03/zuul.d/standalone-jobs.yaml#L795
[2] https://review.rdoproject.org/zuul/builds?pipeline=openstack-periodic-integration-stable1
[3] https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/30654/
[4] https://review.opendev.org/#/c/759449/