Hi, In Debian all service APIs are by default using uwsgi. This means that there's no reason to setup Apache for the API, as uwsgi comes by default. However, there are a number of things that operators may want to configure, like for example, the number of workers. This is why I started this PR: https://review.opendev.org/725065 Since Tobias asked for more details about what I was doing, I thought it was a good idea to start a thread in the list, rather than just discussing in the patch review. So, what I did for Neutron is only the beginning. If it works as I expect, I intend to generalize this on all OpenStack services supported by Debian. This means at least: - nova - keystone - glance - cinder - barbican - neutron - aodh - panko - gnocchi - etc. The first step is having this neutron_uwsgi_config provider up and running, then I'll see how to integrate with the rest of puppet-openstack and have things like number of workers integrated with <SERVICE>::api stuff... Your thoughts? Cheers, Thomas Goirand (zigo)