Hi all,

I have a clean undercloud deployment.
but when I add a node, it fails to introspect. in ironic logs I see interesting lines about FSM (what is it?) [1] and in the same paste, I have provided/pasted, how openstack overcloud node import instack.json looks like. Also introspection -- provide with debug [2].
It do not change when I change driver (idrac, ipmi, redfish) or I specify exact host for introspection.
here [3] is images and containers with ironic.
Here is my latest instack file [4]

Any ideas? What I could do? 

[1] http://paste.openstack.org/show/uPwWVYlO3UQbrF0WzDFH/
[2] http://paste.openstack.org/show/zIHDZ4PS8d0Oi3fmB5AD/
[3] http://paste.openstack.org/show/87pn8i1QGJj2JQyPEJbl/
[4] http://paste.openstack.org/show/a8UqmlI6yT6sd0503kVn/