
It appears we are using `queue_if_no_path`

device {
        vendor "NETAPP"
        product "LUN.*"
        path_grouping_policy "group_by_prio"
        path_checker "tur"
        features "3 queue_if_no_path pg_init_retries 50"
        hardware_handler "0"
        prio "ontap"
        failback "immediate"
        rr_weight "uniform"
        rr_min_io 128
        flush_on_last_del "yes"
        dev_loss_tmo "infinity"
        user_friendly_names "no"
        retain_attached_hw_handler "yes"
        detect_prio "yes"

We are using libvirt virt driver and this is the info from `sudo virsh dominfo $instance_uuid`

Id:             -
Name:           instance-00049282
UUID:           c8079e85-4777-4615-9d5a-3d1151e11984
OS Type:        hvm
State:          shut off
CPU(s):         1
Max memory:     1048576 KiB
Used memory:    1048576 KiB
Persistent:     yes
Autostart:      disable
Managed save:   no
Security model: apparmor
Security DOI:   0

We are using an old version of OpenStack ( Queens ) that we are in the process of migrating away from. Not sure it is worth raising a bug on such an old version?

Happy to do so if it will help.


On 28/10/2020 10:06, Lee Yarwood wrote:
On 28-10-20 17:35:59, Tony Pearce wrote:

As a guess I am suspecting your "fail_if_no_path" might be the issue but I
am not sure on the inner workings or mechanism at play during the reboot or
why it's getting stuck here for you. Your storage vendor may have
documentation to state what the multipath (and iscsid) config should be
from your host. Before changing config though I recommend getting the root
cause realised.  /var/log/messages log could help.
Did you mean queue_if_no_path?
Also if you go into the multipath CLI "multipathd -k" and issue "show
config" you may see a "NETAPP" config there already. Depending on the IDs
your storage may be matching that rather than the default config within
multipath.conf FYI.
So Nova will ask os-brick to try to disconnect volumes during a hard
reboot of an instance and I suspect this is where things are getting
stuck in your env if you're using queue_if_no_path.

Assuming you're using the libvirt virt driver has the underlying domain
for the instance been destroyed already?

$ sudo virsh dominfo $instance_uuid

If it has been then we might be able to cleanup the volume manually.

Either way it might be useful to raise a bug for this against Nova and
os-brick so we can take a look at the attempt to hard reboot in more


^ Please use the template underneath the futher information textbox once
you've provided a title and if possible include the additional output
somewhere for review.

$ openstack server event list $instance_uuid

^ This will provide a list of actions and their associated request-ids.
Using the request-id assocaited with the failing hard reboot can you
then provide logs from the compute.

$ zgrep -l $request-id /var/log/nova/*

^ Obviously this depends on how logging is enabled in your env but you
hopefully get the idea.

On Wed, 28 Oct 2020 at 15:56, Grant Morley <grant@civo.com> wrote:

Hi Tony,

We are using NetApp SolidFire for our storage. Instances seem to be in a
normal "working" state before we try and reboot them.

I haven't looked into `/usr/bin/rescan-scsi-bus.sh` but I will now so
thanks for that.

We are using multipath but kept it on the defaults so it looks like only 1
path is being used.

I had a feeling it was down to heavily loaded compute causing the issue.

The config for iscsi is also the defaults from which openstack Ansible

Thanks for your help.

On 28/10/2020 02:25, Tony Pearce wrote:

Hi Grant, what storage are you using here? Is the instance in an
apparently "working" state before you try and reboot it?

Have you looked into `/usr/bin/rescan-scsi-bus.sh` ? Please see this
reference link in the first instance: [1] "When ‘rescan-scsi-bus.sh -i’ is
run, script execute as well a LIP_RESET (ISSUE_LIP) which may cause a
disruption in I/O on the server and even cause an outage in case of a
system running on heavy load."

Are you using multipath? Some helpful commands:

`tail -f /var/log/messages | grep multipath`

`multipathd -k` = will go into mutipath cli. Then while in the cli:
show config
show paths

If the cli is accessible then you're likely using multipath even if 1
path. Then the multipath.conf is taking effect even if it's a default

Config files relating to iscsi storage:



Tony Pearce

On Wed, 28 Oct 2020 at 03:39, Grant Morley <grant@civo.com> wrote:

Hi all,

We are seeing some oddness on a couple of our compute hosts that seems to
be related to iSCSI. On a couple of our hosts I am seeing this error in the
nova compute logs:

2020-10-27 18:56:14.814 31490 WARNING os_brick.initiator.connectors.iscsi
[req-8613ae69-1661-49cf-8bdc-6fec875d01ba - - - - -] Couldn't find iscsi
sessions because iscsiadm err: iscsiadm: could not read session targetname:
iscsiadm: could not find session info for session1707

That seems to also stop any instance on the compute host from being able
to reboot.  Reboots seem to get accepted but the instance never completes
and gets stuck in the reboot state:

2020-10-27 19:11:58.891 48612 INFO nova.compute.manager [-] [instance:
c8079e85-4777-4615-9d5a-3d1151e11984] During sync_power_state the instance
has a pending task (reboot_started_hard). Skip.
2020-10-27 19:11:58.891 48612 INFO nova.compute.manager [-] [instance:
31128f26-910d-411f-98e0-c95dd36f4f0f] During sync_power_state the instance
has a pending task (reboot_started_hard). Skip.

Does anyone know of a way to resolve this without rebooting the entire
compute host? I can't see any other issues other than the fact there is
this iSCSI error which in turn seems to stop nova from processing anything
for any instance.

Any advice would be much appreciated.


Grant Morley
Cloud Engineer, Civo Ltd
Unit H-K, Gateway 1000, Whittle Way
Stevenage, Herts, SG1 2FP, UK
Visit us at www.civo.com
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