Depends on your desired feature configuration.

In train on CentOS 8 you need to specify podman.yaml for containerized deployment due to the lack of docker.

It's -e /use/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/podman.yaml

This was switched in Ussuri but because train could be installed on 7 or 8 it had this issue.

On Fri, Oct 22, 2021, 10:39 PM Anirudh Gupta <> wrote:
Hi Alex
Thanks for your reply.
I am relatively new to TripleO, Can you please suggest what environment files are necessary to be passed?

Anirudh Gupta

On Fri, 22 Oct, 2021, 8:34 pm Alex Schultz, <> wrote:
You need to specify the podman environment file for the overcloud deploy.  You are missing some environment files that are necessary to deploy. You can't just run `openstack overcloud deploy --templates`.  You should be passing addition files for configuration and networking related parameters.

On Fri, Oct 22, 2021, 8:53 AM Anirudh Gupta <> wrote:
Hi Team,

I am trying to install Tripleo Train Release on Centos 8
I have successfully installed Undercloud.

For overcloud images, I have downloaded and uploaded images given on rdo_trunk

For deployment of overcloud, I executed the command

openstack overcloud deploy --templates

This command successfully creates a stack, executed the SSH on the machines successfully and then started some ansible tasks.
During execution of ansible tasks, it gave a error at below task

TASK | manage /etc/docker/daemon.json
The error message clearly states that directory /etc/docker is not found.

This task is present at path "/usr/share/ansible/roles/container-registry/tasks/docker.yml"

Since, in Centos 8 docker has been replaced with Podman, this error is bound to happen
Commenting this particular task can be a workaround, but I have no idea what would be the impact of this.
There are multiple tasks which makes use of /etc/docker directory

Is there any way to resolve this?