I recently spotted a constant failure on the nova-lvm job [1] which seems to occur since July-19 at least, and which prevents us to merge all changes touching the nova-libvirt code section [2]

Evidences show a glance image upload HTTP 502 failure when we want to snapshot [3] which corresponds to the Glance API getting issues with staged image data not found [4]

Until we figure out how to solve this, recheck against nova changes touching nova/virt/libvirt/ module are useless.
Any help would be appreciated on debugging the Glance failure, tho.


[1] https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?job_name=nova-lvm&branch=master
[2] https://zuul.openstack.org/job/nova-lvm
[3] https://zuul.openstack.org/build/a04b0d2e184a4d3e9c39bd6110b454ea/log/controller/logs/screen-n-cpu.txt?severity=4#12772
[4] https://zuul.openstack.org/build/a04b0d2e184a4d3e9c39bd6110b454ea/log/controller/logs/screen-g-api.txt?severity=3#3555