On 2024-02-22 11:47:35 +0100 (+0100), gtema wrote: [...]
Since I am on this topic anyway I would also like to address another related question. While working for OpenTelekomCloud we developed HashiVault plugin for managing OpenStack credentials as secrets (I had a talk on that in Vancouver). We tried to bring this to OpenDev but were unsure under which namespace. Pretty shortly a Hashi license issue started circling around and after few back and forth iterations we were not sure what to do with that project at all. Anyway the plugin itself is Apache-2 and working. It should be possible to also use it with OpenBAO (as a fork of Vault), but it was not tested so far.
Possible you missed my comment on your abandoned project creation change, but OpenBao is an open source fork of Vault, if switching to that makes the problem simpler.
I am now not with Telekom anymore, but people there are still willing to contribute it under the OpenStack. Do you have any opinions on that? Is there interest in getting this under the OpenDev and if yes then which namespace (openstack or X)?
Please not the "x/" namespace, that was a dumping ground for all projects whose maintainers never got back to us specifying a preference for their individual namespaces. If it's not going into "openstack/" you can create whatever new namespace you want, but we should avoid putting new maintained things in "x/" when possible. -- Jeremy Stanley