Thanks Iury! My choices are for options #1 and #3 Ciao! Riccardo On Fri, Mar 4, 2022 at 4:28 AM Iury Gregory <> wrote:
Hello Ironicers!
For the Zed PTG I'm planning to have some slots that will allow APAC contributors to participate in the discussions.
Keep in mind that we have some guidelines we should try to follow: 1. Cross project discussions (like SIGs or support project teams) should be scheduled towards the start of the week so that any discussions that might shape those of other teams happen first. 2. No team should sign up for more than 4 hours per UTC day to help keep participants actively engaged. 3. No team should sign up for more than 16 hours across all time slots to avoid burning out our contributors and to enable participation in multiple teams discussions.
Based on this I have the following proposals: (Feel free to provide more ideas also) =) *Option #1* *16hrs* Monday till Thursday 1h (APAC night + EMEA morning) 2hrs (EMEA afternoon + NA morning) 1hr (NA afternoon/night + APAC morning)
*Option #2* *15hrs* Tuesday till Friday 1h (APAC night + EMEA morning) 2hrs (EMEA afternoon + NA morning) 1hr (NA afternoon/night + APAC morning) * On Friday the NA + APAC session won't happen because is saturday for APAC contributors *
*Option #3* *16hrs* Monday till Thursday 3hrs (EMEA afternoon + NA morning) 1hr (NA afternoon/night + APAC morning)
*Option #4* *15hrs* Tuesday till Friday 3hrs (EMEA afternoon + NA morning) 1hr (NA afternoon/night + APAC morning) * On Friday the NA + APAC session won't happen because is saturday for APAC contributors *
Please choose two options and we will vote during our upstream meeting on March 7th.
Thank you!
*Att[]'sIury Gregory Melo Ferreira * *MSc in Computer Science at UFCG* *Part of the ironic-core and puppet-manager-core team in OpenStack* *Software Engineer at Red Hat Czech* *Social*: *E-mail: <>*