On Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 2:13 PM Juan Antonio Osorio Robles <jaosorior@redhat.com> wrote:
It has come to our attention that our Launchpad bug list has been
growing and some bugs have gone stale. We have decided to go through the
list weekly and triage or update bugs as needed in order to address
this. This would be done one hour before our weekly meeting (so Tuesday
at 13:00 UTC).

Good initiative. I also believe we should be more aggressive in our scripts which automatically close old and stalled bugs. I ran the scripts a few days ago if you remember, but I used the defaults. We might want to close everything that was hasn't been "In progress" after one year, I guess. Also a bunch of "In progress" things are actually implemented, and bugs need to be closed.

Thanks for starting this effort. Count me in!
PS: let's do it with blueprints as well.
Emilien Macchi