Dear Julia,

Software RAID is handled separately in metal3 BMO. You're right, we can specify that as a limitation, since this naming convention will not work for software RAID.

Also, we evaluated the approach you mentioned: of using disk name translation logic in the vendor drivers. We discussed it at length with Richard Pioso, Dmitry Tantsur and other community members, using generic disk names like ‘Disk 0’ etc. [1]

We couldn't figure out the exact recipe of how this translation should take place. One concern with this approach was that it would be impractical to convert a constructed disk name into the vendor-specific disk name, for all the vendors. However, maybe this approach would be viable using the more verbose disk names (instead of Disk 0/1/2 initially proposed)?

Out of all the possible solutions, the one we arrived at is to construct this naming convention using the Redfish schema in order to avoid vendor sprawl. The objective of this proposal is to determine how all the vendors utilize certain fields in the Redfish specification, so that we can formulate a naming convention accordingly.

[1] [RFE] RAID config by Operator using generic disk numbers, and vendor-specific RAID controller names | StoryBoard (

Thank you for your response. It is very helpful.


Mahnoor Asghar