found the problem.
It was related to an erroneous setting in the /etc/hosts. The host was wrongly associated to the wrong IP Address.

I discovered it by analyzing the rabbitmq container log. it was failing to boot because it could not find the proper host!

Thanks for the support guys.


On Tue, 14 Apr 2020 at 14:34, Giuseppe Sannino <km.giuseppesannino@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Ruslanas, Lucio,
thanks for your answers.
Actually, I double checked and by giving (as per the instruction) "sudo" podman ps I can see some container running.
So the empty printout in the podman command was due to the missing "sudo".

Eventually, the procedure is only partly able to make the containers running and stops in between.

I will also try to open a case on the RH portal.


On Sun, 12 Apr 2020 at 20:26, Ruslanas Gžibovskis <ruslanas@lpic.lt> wrote:
Also, isn't "openstack tripleo container image list" the list of overcloud containers? But I do not know, so might be wrong here.

Is rhosp-under.ctlplane.localdomain:8787 host resolvable? And available over CLI?

On Sun, 12 Apr 2020 at 15:10, Lucio Seki <lucioseki@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Giuseppe,

Since you're using RHOSP, you may ask for help at Red Hat Customer Portal [0] as well. You should be able to access it with the same credentials you used for registering your RHEL8 to install RHOSP packages.
Their support team usually see open issues at the Customer Portal rather than this mailing list.

Lucio Seki

On Sun, Apr 12, 2020 at 4:26 AM Ruslanas Gžibovskis <ruslanas@lpic.lt> wrote:
Hi Giuseppe,

Have you tried all the commands that are described here [1]?

Also, you can add: -a to podman ps command, so it will display all containers, even powered off ones.


On Fri, 10 Apr 2020 at 18:53, Giuseppe Sannino <km.giuseppesannino@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,
need a (hopefully) small help from you.

I'm trying to deploy Openstack on RHLE8 using TripleO.
The "openstack undercloud install" fails at this stage:

2020-04-10 17:43:35.554 574937 WARNING tripleoclient.v1.tripleo_deploy.Deploy [  ] Wait for containers to start for step 5 using paunch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 623.63s
2020-04-10 17:43:35.554 574937 WARNING tripleoclient.v1.tripleo_deploy.Deploy [  ] Wait for containers to start for step 4 using paunch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 304.39s

Images are fetched from the RedHat registry and pushed on the local registry:

>> containers-prepare-parameter.yaml

  - push_destination: rhosp-under.ctlplane.localdomain:8787

>> From "/var/log/tripleo-container-image-prepare.log"
I can see images are properly pushed into local registry:
2020-04-10 17:17:22,339 587093 INFO tripleo_common.image.image_uploader [  ] [registry.redhat.io/rhosp-rhel8/openstack-nova-compute-ironic:16.0-91] Completed upload for image
2020-04-10 17:17:22,341 586855 INFO tripleo_common.image.image_uploader [  ] result []
2020-04-10 17:17:22,370 586855 INFO root [  ] ContainerClustercheckConfigImage: rhosp-under.ctlplane.localdomain:8787/rhosp-rhel8/openstack-mariadb:16.0-101
ContainerClustercheckImage: rhosp-under.ctlplane.localdomain:8787/rhosp-rhel8/openstack-mariadb:16.0-101
ContainerZaqarImage: rhosp-under.ctlplane.localdomain:8787/rhosp-rhel8/openstack-zaqar-wsgi:16.0-91
- rhosp-under.ctlplane.localdomain:8787

>> From "install-undercloud.log"
I can see a smooth procedure till it gets to the "TASK [Debug output for task: Start containers for step XX ]" phase.
Specifically, at step 5 it ends unsuccesfully.

>> podman image list

>> podman ps

>> openstack tripleo container image list

[stack@rhosp-under ~]$ openstack tripleo container image list
| Image Name                                                                                             |
| docker://rhosp-under.ctlplane.localdomain:8787/rhosp-rhel8/openstack-zaqar-wsgi:16.0-91                |
| docker://rhosp-under.ctlplane.localdomain:8787/rhosp-rhel8/openstack-heat-engine:16.0-91               |
| docker://rhosp-under.ctlplane.localdomain:8787/rhosp-rhel8/openstack-cron:16.0-96                      |
| docker://rhosp-under.ctlplane.localdomain:8787/rhosp-rhel8/openstack-keystone:16.0-93                  |

Any suggestion would be more than welcome

Many thanks in advance

Ruslanas Gžibovskis
+370 6030 7030

Ruslanas Gžibovskis
+370 6030 7030