Hi OpenStack community, I am the product manager for SANsymphony, a software defined SAN storage offering, at DataCore<http://www.datacore.com/>. A little bit of history on the current request. DataCore had a Cinder driver in Queen’s branch few years back. Due to organizational restructuring and change in priorities we had to scale back on our efforts towards OpenStack solutions. Because of this we were unable to be active in the community and as a result we got ousted out of Rocky branch due to lack of CI. Details here<https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/638029>. Currently we have multiple open opportunities with our European customers requiring us to certify RHOSP Cinder driver for both iSCSI and FC protocols. All our current customers are on RHOSP 16.x and would continue to be on that release for another 12-14 months. As a storage solutions provider, we will have to support our customers on 16.x release. As per OpenStack’s Cinder driver policy, this change is considered as *new* driver request and we are unable to backport the changes directly. Given that this has direct revenue impact for DataCore and is time sensitive, we request the community to approve our request to add Cinder driver patch to 16.x maintenance releases ( mainly for Trains branch). Thanks! Karthik Viswanath Sr Product Manager, DataCore Cell: 9886032686 [https://www.datacoreassets.com/email-signatures/logo-email-signature.png]<https://www.datacore.com/?utm_source=signature&utm_medium=email&utm_content=logo> DataCore Software · The Authority on Software-Defined Storage 1901 Cypress Creek Road Ste. 200 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 [cid1612899890*image002.png@01D83EF4.5833C600]