Hi Team,

We are trying to deploy the Tripleo Train with IPv6.
All the overcloud control plane networks - internal, management etc are also on the IPv6 subnet.

Upon successful completion of overcloud, when I am trying to open the page, it does open.
But when I enter the correct login credentials, it says something went wrong.


Upon looking into error logs, I found
2022-01-21 12:33:34.825 324 WARNING keystone.server.flask.application [req-0660e62c-dff7-4609-89fe-225e177a84f8 f908417368a24cc685818bb5fc54fe12 - - default -] Authorization failed. The request you have made requires authentication. from fd00:fd00:fd00:2000::359: keystone.exception.Unauthorized: The request you have made requires authentication.  

where fd00:fd00:fd00:2000::359 is my internal IP address which is reachable.

Anirudh Gupta