Oh, that would help us a lot as well, since some highly valuable core contributors to OpenStack-Ansible won't be present in Vancouver despite good half of active contributors will be on site.

Though I see how we all might start fighting for these rooms :D

ср, 17 мая 2023 г., 17:03 Kendall Nelson <kennelson11@gmail.com>:
Hey Jay, 

One other option we could provide is a dedicated room for the discussions you need others to be involved in that are not physically present. There should be two of them available. 


On Wed, May 17, 2023 at 9:32 AM Jay Faulkner <jay@gr-oss.io> wrote:
Hey all,

It was brought to my attention that there will not be much opportunity for remote participation in the PTG. We would have to manage the A/V ourselves in a shared room which would likely be extremely disruptive and ineffective.

So I'm left with a few questions: should we continue forward with a PTG session for Ironic in Vancouver? What topics would be suitable with only a limited number of core reviewers available?

I propose that the Ironic team uses the PTG venue for an informal collaboration and hacking space. It doesn't seem right for us to make any in-depth plans with only a subset of the core team.

What do you all think?

Jay Faulkner
Ironic PTL
TC Vice-Chair