
I am reading about Kolla Ansible Inventory


In my environment,

Controllers and Compute01>>>03 have same network interfaces

But from compute04>>06 have different interface

neutron_external_interface=eth0.1 api_interface=eth0.2 tunnel_interface=eth0.3
Which is the best group for my case?

compute04 neutron_external_interface=eth0.1 api_interface=eth0.2 tunnel_interface=eth0.3
compute05 neutron_external_interface=eth0.1 api_interface=eth0.2 tunnel_interface=eth0.3
compute06 neutron_external_interface=eth0.1 api_interface=eth0.2 tunnel_interface=eth0.3

Then put them to same block services which have Nova?

I see the we prefer to use host_vars orgroup_vars. Do we have some examples about it? Thank you.

Nguyen Huu Khoi