Hey Folks. 

I am working through a scenario that requires us to have Openstack in a Pelican Case and deployed in the "field" on a semi regular basis. I guess, portal "edge cloud" if you will? The problem I am trying to clean up is the startup process. We use kolla-ansible and rocky with zed (though we have one with ubuntu and wallaby) in this specific use case. 

We do the shutdown nicely, kolla-ansible -i inventory stop, then power off the control nodes (we have 3 in the setup). The problem is on the start up. All the containers start  and then we still *have* to run the kolla-ansible -i inventory mariadb_recovery step to get the cloud back into a usable state. No matter the order of shut down or start up, MariaDB seems to always need a recovery. 

Are there any people here doing this or something similar? Is there a more efficient startup process I am not aware of or should consider? The folks in the field aren't Openstack admins, so hoping to figure out a solution that is less dependent on their knowledge of Openstack's undercloud tooling. 

Thanks in advance