Hi Slawek, Yes, that is perfectly fine. Thank you for the heads up! Cheers, Allison
On Aug 18, 2023, at 12:57 AM, Slawek Kaplonski <skaplons@redhat.com> wrote:
Dnia czwartek, 17 sierpnia 2023 16:50:49 CEST Allison Price pisze:
Hi everyone,
As a reminder, tomorrow (Friday, August 18) is the deadline to submit changes for the 2024 OpenStack User Survey. If you and your team need more time, please let me know.
Cheers, Allison
On Jul 31, 2023, at 2:17 PM, Allison Price <allison@openinfra.dev> wrote:
Hi Everyone,
Like Helena mentioned last week, we are closing the 2023 OpenStack User Survey in a few weeks and will then open the 2024 OpenStack User Survey. At this time, we want to offer the project teams and TC the opportunity to update your project specific questions that appear at the end of the survey. As a reminder, for the project-specific questions, these appear if a survey taker selects your project in their deployment and TC questions appear to all survey takers.
If you and your team would like to update the question, please let me know by Friday, August 18. I know that this is a holiday time for many, so if any team needs some extra time, just let me know. I am also able to share the existing questions with any team that needs a refresher on what is currently in the survey.
In the meantime, please continue to promote openstack.org/usersurvey to anyone (and everyone!) you know who is running OpenStack or planning to in the future. We want to get as much feedback as we possibly can.
Cheers, Allison
Sorry for asking for that but would it be possible if we (Neutron) would send You update at end of the Monday (21.08.2023)? I was at work only 2 days this week and I did not had time to talk about it with Rodolfo who is Neutron PTL to summarize everything. Today I am also off as we have recharge day in Red Hat. And the same is for Rodolfo. I would like to discuss with him everything on Monday morning CEST and then I would send You final version of what we would like to change there. Would that be ok for You? Thx in advance
-- Slawek Kaplonski Principal Software Engineer Red Hat