> [licanwei]:please refer to
> <https://github.com/openstack/watcher/blob/master/watcher/decision_engine/model/notification/nova.py#L144>https://github.com/openstack/watcher/blob/master/watcher/decision_engine/model/notification/nova.py#L144
> When a nova notification is received before the nova CDM is built or no
> node in the CDM,
> the node will be add to the CDM.
That's not what's happening in this bug. We're getting an
instance.update event from nova during scheduling/building of an
instance before it has a host, so when this is called:
node_uuid is None.
Which means we never call get_or_create_node here:
And then we blow up here:
because self.cluster_data_model is None.
Based on your earlier reply about when the nova CDM is built:
> [licanwei]:Yes, the CDM will be built when the first audit being created.
It seems the fix for this notification traceback bug is to just make
sure the self.cluster_data_model is not None and return early if it's
not, i.e. gracefully handle receiving notifications before we've ever
done an audit and built the nova CDM.
[licanwei]: In this case, I think we can just ignore the exception.