Hi, Thank you to the electorate, and to all candidates who put their name forward for Project Team Lead (PTL) in this election. A healthy, open process breeds trust in our decision making capability. Thank you to all those who make this process possible. Now for the results of the PTL election process, please join me in extending congratulations to the following PTLs: * Adjutant - Dale Smith (dalees) * Blazar - Matt Crees (mattcrees) * Cinder - Jon Bernard () * Cloudkitty - Rafael Weingartner () * Cyborg - alex song (songwenping) * Designate - Omer Schwartz (oschwart) * Glance - Cyril Roelandt (croelandt) * Heat - Takashi Kajinami (tkajinam) * Horizon - Tatiana Ovchinnikova (tmazur) * Keystone - Artem Goncharov (gtema) * Kolla - Michal Nasiadka (mnasiadka) * Magnum - Dale Smith (dalees) * Manila - Carlos Silva (carloss) * Mistral - Axel Vanzaghi (avanzaghi) * Monasca - Hasan Acar () * Neutron - Brian Haley (haleyb) * Nova - René Ribaud (rribaud) * Octavia - Michael Johnson (johnsom) * OpenStack Helm - Vladimir Kozhukalov (kozhukalov) * OpenStackAnsible - Dmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) * OpenStackSDK - Artem Goncharov (gtema) * Puppet OpenStack - Takashi Kajinami (tkajinam) * Quality Assurance - Ghanshyam Mann (gmann) * Rally - Andrey Kurilin (andreykurilin) * Skyline - Wenxiang Wu (wu_wenxiang) * Storlets - Takashi Kajinami (tkajinam) * Sunbeam - Hemanth Nakkina (hemanth-n) * Swift - Tim Burke (timburke) * Tacker - Yasufumi Ogawa (yasufum) * Telemetry - Juan Larriba (jlarriba) * Trove - Wu Chunyang (wuchunyang) * Venus - Sirui Jia () * Vitrage - Dmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) * Zun - Hongbin Lu () Elections: no election required. For remaining projects (without PTL candidates), TC will work on the appointment. Election process details and results are also available here: https://governance.openstack.org/election/ Thank you to all involved in the PTL election process, Slawek Kaplonski, on behalf of the OpenStack Technical Election Officials