Thanks Mike for raising that point. I think I'll add a section about your observations in the goal proposal [1] to warn about this point.


Le mar. 2 juil. 2024 à 12:13, Dmitry Tantsur <> a écrit :

On 7/2/24 1:11 AM, Mike Bayer wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 1, 2024, at 6:06 PM, Clark Boylan wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 1, 2024, at 1:55 PM, Mike Bayer wrote:
>>> On Mon, Jul 1, 2024, at 2:53 PM, Clark Boylan wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Jul 1, 2024, at 11:32 AM, Mike Bayer wrote:
>>>>> hey gang -
>>>>> I'm adding asyncio support to oslo.db.    Fairly major block hit, which
>>>>> I can work around, is that testtools / stestr do not seem to have any
>>>>> provision for asyncio present.
>>>>> An initial attempt working with it gracefully looked like this (using
>>>>> oslotests base, which is the testtoolsTestBase):
>>>>> import unittest
>>>>> from oslotest import base
>>>>> class MyTestSuite(unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase, base.BaseTestCase):
>>>>>     # ...
>>>>> but that didn't work because the degree to which testtools modifies the
>>>>> run() method of unittest.TestCase prevents IsolatedAsyncioTestCase from
>>>>> running awaitable test cases.
>>>>> Next attempt is this, remove testtools / oslotest from the class
>>>>> hierarchy (which is bad, because we lose all of our testtools patterns):
>>>>> class MyTestSuite(unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase):
>>>>>     # ...
>>>>> this runs, however stestr sends into the test suite a Result object
>>>>> that is not a subclass of unittest.result.TestResult, it's a
>>>>> "subunit.test_results.AutoTimingTestResultDecorator" that does not
>>>>> TestResult in its MRO; unittest shows a warning that there is no
>>>>> addDuration() method on the result object.
>>>>> final workaround, patch one on, here's my base:
>>>>> class BaseAsyncioCase(unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase):
>>>>>      def run(self, result=None):
>>>>>          # work around stestr sending a result object that's not a
>>>>>          # unittest.TestResult
>>>>>          result.addDuration = lambda test, elapsed: None
>>>>>          return super().run(result=result)
>>>>> now I can run asyncio tests.    But only by ditching testtools entirely.
>>>>> What would be the correct approach to introducing asyncio support in
>>>>> our test suites given our dependency on testtools?
>>>> I think the dependency on testtools was far more important back when we
>>>> were trying to support python2.6, python2.7 and python3.something. In
>>>> particular support for addCleanup() is/was important to ensure reliable
>>>> cleanups of external resources. I think there were also problems with
>>>> setUp failures maybe not failing test cases in old python unittest
>>>> (don't quote me on that I don't remember all the details).
>>>> At this point I suspect the need to only support relatively modern
>>>> python particularly when we talk about adding asyncio support to stuff
>>>> means we may get away with stdlib unittest over testtools. Testtools
>>>> was primarily there to bridge some behavior gaps and ensure consistent
>>>> behavior between python2 and python3. That is no longer a concern.
>>> OK.  So...what about the stestr part ?   That itself seems to be
>>> slightly incompatible with straight unittest at this point.    Also
>>> what's the role of oslotest ?   Noting I'm working on an actual oslo
>>> project.
>> The stestr issue appears to originate in python subunit [0]. Reading
>> this pytest issue [1] addDuration is brand new in python 3.12. I
>> suspect that subunit just needs to be updated to support the new API
>> similar to how pytest was updated. But also it appears that this should
>> only be a warning so shouldn't prevent things from working?
>> [0]
>> [1]
> OK that's fine, yes it's only a warning, was just not sure if this was an indication of a larger incompatibility with straight unittest that doesnt use testtools.TestCase.  that was basically my question

FWIW we have a few projects (e.g. metalsmith) that use stestr but
neither testtools nor oslotest.


Hervé Beraud
Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat
irc: hberaud