On Mon, 2022-06-13 at 12:46 -0700, Dan Smith wrote:
You should examine the glance api logs to see why the service had an error.
This is actually not a glance problem, but a case of missing the dbcounter plugin when glance connects to the DB -- uploading an image is just the first thing we try to do, other than keystone stuff. I've been working with them on IRC and their devstack log clearly shows it is installed successfully, so I suspect something else is going on. They dropped out before we finished, but I'll continue chasing it down. i hit the same issue the other day if you recall me asking about it. didnt check my devstack logs to see if it installed or not but i can see if i can repoduce it tomorrow.
in theory my ansibel role should hit it if its repoduceable reliable. i havent commit the change to my repo to disabel the perfromace counters so i shoudl be able to repoduce it either on my home server or laptop which ever does not have the change locally. ill let you know if i can and i can proably give you access to the vm if you want to take a look.