Hello Everyone, As per the victoria cycle testing runtime, we need to run upstream CI/CD jobs on Ubuntu Focal[1]. For better tracking and speeding up this work, TC is in the process of selecting this as 2nd goal for the Victoria cycle[2]. Plan: ------ * devstack will provide the WIP patch for devstack base job running on focal and all projects will test their jobs using the same[3]. * migrate projects side jobs to focal. This includes testing the jobs and fixing the failure if any or migrate jobs to run on focal nodeset if not automatically migrated by devstack job. * Once all projects are running successfully on focal, then merge the devstack base job. * Deadline: I am planning to finish this by m-2 (July 31st) but anytime before is always better. Current progress: ---------------------- * devstack base jobs migration on focal which can be used by project side testing is in progress. frickler patch failing with one nova test[4]. * As we have community goal to migrate all legacy jobs to zuulv3 native[5], migration to focal will only cover the devstack based or zuulv3 native jobs not the legacy jobs. All the legacy jobs will automatically be moved on focal distro during their migration to zuulv3 native. If anything failing and cannot be fixed immediately, then those legacy jobs can temporarily override the nodeset to bionic. * selecting this as community goal is also is in progress. [1] https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/runtimes/victoria.html [2] https://review.opendev.org/#/c/731213/ [3] https://review.opendev.org/#/c/731207/4 [4] https://review.opendev.org/#/c/734029/1 [5] https://governance.openstack.org/tc/goals/selected/victoria/native-zuulv3-jo... -gmann