On 17 Jan 2020, at 11:14, Bernard Cafarelli <bcafarel@redhat.com> wrote:
On Fri, 17 Jan 2020 at 05:11, Jeremy Stanley <fungi@yuggoth.org> wrote: On 2020-01-16 22:02:05 -0600 (-0600), Ghanshyam Mann wrote: [...]
Second option is to install the tempest and plugins in py3 env on py2 jobs also. This should be an easy and preferred way. [...]
This makes more sense anyway. Tempest and its plug-ins are already segregated from the system with a virtualenv due to conflicts with stable branch requirements, so hopefully switching that virtualenv to Python 3.x for all jobs is trivial (but I won't be surprised to learn there are subtle challenges hidden just beneath the surface).
That sounds good for supported releases. Once we have them back in working order, I wonder how it will turn out for queens. In neutron, there is a recent failure [1] as this EM branch now uses a pinned version of the plugin. The fix there is most likely to also pin tempest - to queens-em [2] but then will also require some fix for the EOLing python2 drama.
But if we will use for queens branch tempest pinned to queens-em tag, we shouldn’t have any such problems there as all requirements will be also used from queens branch, or am I missing something here?
As tempest is branchless, it looks like if we want to keep neutron-tempest-plugin tests for queens we will rather need solution 1 for this branch? (but let's focus first on getting the supported branches back in working order)
[1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1859988 [2] https://review.opendev.org/702868
-- Bernard Cafarelli
— Slawek Kaplonski Senior software engineer Red Hat