On 22-03-04 13:11:51, Iury Gregory wrote:
Hi Matthew
You can find the diff in [1], thanks!
[1] https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/4894a7e4d02e4892adab5ca4cefc8e89/...
Em sex., 4 de mar. de 2022 às 12:26, Matthew Thode <mthode@domaintools.com> escreveu:
On 22-03-04 12:05:40, Iury Gregory wrote:
Hello Stackers,
I would like to request a new release for sushy before creating the yoga branch, It contains some important fixes (e.g it will fix a problem when build sushy in Debian). The sushy lib is only used by ironic, so it shouldn't cause any problems updating the version in requirements.
*Att[]'sIury Gregory Melo Ferreira * *MSc in Computer Science at UFCG* *Part of the ironic-core and puppet-manager-core team in OpenStack* *Software Engineer at Red Hat Czech* *Social*: https://www.linkedin.com/in/iurygregory *E-mail: iurygregory@gmail.com <iurygregory@gmail.com>*
Hi, can you link to the diff?
-- Matthew Thode
*Att[]'sIury Gregory Melo Ferreira * *MSc in Computer Science at UFCG* *Part of the ironic-core and puppet-manager-core team in OpenStack* *Software Engineer at Red Hat Czech* *Social*: https://www.linkedin.com/in/iurygregory *E-mail: iurygregory@gmail.com <iurygregory@gmail.com>*
Looks good, thanks. -- Matthew Thode