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Hello Harmon,
Based on this line the ips should be just list of floating IP addresses:
You are saying that the server is getting created but not assigning the ip-address to the server that is specified in the call - does it mean that the server is created with a different ip-address or there is no specified ip-address at all or the server creation fails?
Are you sure that it is physically possible for the instance to assign with the specified ip-address (network)? Specifically - are both on the same network or are the networks connected using a router?
according to this, you can use fixed_ip
On Fri, May 3, 2024 at 10:22 AM Nine, Harmon S <> wrote:
I'm using the openstack connection api in python to create a server.
The server is getting created, but the "create_server" call is not assigning the ip-address to the server that is specified in the call.
flavor_id = 'ed88b5d6-150d-4715-8de0-8a2df0a1746a'image_id = '399ae60e-7f73-476e-aad7-13aebcad84a1'networks = [{'uuid': '978ebb40-8ee4-4c0b-932e-83dce7e182dd'}]ip_addresses =[{'subnet_id': '978ebb40-8ee4-4c0b-932e-83dce7e182dd', 'ip_address': ''}]
# also tried ip_addresses = ['']
instance = conn.compute.create_server(name='testmachine',flavor_id=flavor_id,image_id=image_id,ips=ip_addresses,networks=network_uuid_list,key_name='key_name')
What is the format of the "ips" argument? Are there other arguments that need to be specified?
Thanks for any help you can provide 🙂
-- Harmon