
That is possible. Which version of the doc we're you looking at? I think those are able to be modified through merge requests.

On Tue, Mar 1, 2022 at 9:07 AM Mathilde Hermet <mathilde.hermet@ovhcloud.com> wrote:


I manage to find that the problem in your documentation is that you forgot to tell that command "$python manage.py compress --force" must be run after collecting statics.

I run it and then my custom themes worked.

This appears to be required in earlier version of horizon that is why documentation is may be not up to date.



On 3/1/22 00:25, Laurent Dumont wrote:

A 500 from Horizon is a bit strange. What do the Horizon logs say?

If you remove your customization and restart Horizon, does it recover?

On Mon, Feb 28, 2022 at 11:17 AM Mathilde Hermet <mathilde.hermet@ovhcloud.com> wrote:
Hello Openstack team,

I'm currently working on customizing the Horizon (xena) dashboard to use
the OVHcloud assets: logo.svg and logo-splash.svg.

I've been following this documentation

I added the ovhcloud theme in
horizon/openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py in AVAILABLE_THEMES,

I created the subdir ovhcloud in horizon/openstack_dashboard/themes and
I created a ovhcloud/img with logo.svg and logo-splash.svg in it.

I put a _variables.scss and a _styles.scss in /themes/ovhcloud/

Then I executed python manage.py collectstatic

It put all the files in horizon-sources/horizon.../static/themes/ovhcloud

But then when trying to connect with the session cookie
theme="ovhcloud", I have a 500 error.

i don't think it comes from images because i've been puting it in
/horizon-souurces/horizon.../static/dashbaord.img and they were
displayed correctly.

Do you have any idea about the misconfiguration I've done ?

Best regards,

Mathilde Hermet