Hi, I have a question about Nova role
- Assert: I don't understand about OPS/Redhat explaination. Because all of information said nova-conductor will help database-accessing for nova-compute, every chart/image showed, too.
- Reallity: When I download OPS Nova source code looked into nova/compute/manager.py, I saw the many many block code that queries the data from the database (instance list) and updates the data (instance.save).
So the assertion of the Openstack and Redhat development community is wrong or true????
Link 1: https://docs.openstack.org/nova/pike/install/get-started-compute.html
Link 2: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_openstack_platform/8/html/configuration_reference_guide/section_conductor
Link n: ....