Hi everyone,
we will validate in the next weeks the idea i'll describe below. If it
sounds feasible to us i would write up a spec for this for later
1. Two neutron setups with OVN
2. A OVN-IC setup not managed by any tooling (used manually)
Target setup for a individual project
| Transit Switch (ts1) |
| |
| |
+----------------+ +----------------+
| | | |
| Router | | Router |
| | | |
+----------------+ +----------------+
| |
+----------------+ +----------------+
| Network | | Network |
| | | |
+----------------+ +----------------+
| |
+----------------+ +----------------+
| VM | | VM |
| | | |
+----------------+ +----------------+
Main creation workflow of a interconnected network:
1. Create a transit switch in the OVN-IC-NB
2. In each neutron:
a. Create a new provider network that maps to the transit switch.
E.g. using `--provider-network-type ovn-ic --provider-phyiscal-network ts1`
b. Create the internal network and router as always and attach the
router to the internal network and the provider network
Changes needed in Neutron (from my perspective):
1. Neutron must not touch the resources created by OVN-IC. This might be
done using two options:
a. Ignore all resources where `external_ids` does not contain any key
starting with `neutron`.
b. Ignore specific resources as defined by individual rules:
I. ignore all Logical_Router that contain
II. ignore all Logical_Router_Static_Route that contain
2. Neutron must allow OVN-IC transit switches to be treated as external
networks. AFAIK this should work in the same way as creating any kind
of OVN network (so Logical_Switch), but just importing an existing
>From my perspective with these two changes we should be good to
interconnect two neutron setups with probably minimal changes needed.
This is because OVN-IC would only touch the transit switch (which looks
in the Northbound like a regular Logical_Switch). All other resources
would still be managed by neutron and work as they do now.
I will get back to this discussion and (if appropriate) provide a spec
or this idea, once we had time to validate this on our side (which will
take some weeks).
On Tue, Jul 18, 2023 at 01:23:27PM +0200, Rodolfo Alonso Hernandez wrote:
> Ok, this is being tortuous. First of all: define a strategy. If you are
> going to create the resources in Neutron, define how. I've provided a way
> to do this, find a formal strategy to ground it.
> Second: (again) try to find a connection between resources, if you are
> going to use the strategy of creating the resources in Neutron. The
> "Logical_Router_Static_Route" belongs to a router univocally. If that
> router has been created by OpenStack, then you can modify the DB sync
> method to consider learned routes too.
> In order to do this, you'll need a set of resources that are going to be
> needed in Neutron, the OVN counterparts and other resources (like
> "Logical_Router_Static_Route") that will be added and will be present in
> OVN and not in Neutron DB. Also you'll need to know how to relate all of
> them.
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