Hi All,

I'd like to announce my candidacy for the Technical Committee.

For those of you who do not know me, I've been involved with OpenStack from the very early days of the project.  I've attended many OpenStack summits and Project Teams Gatherings over the years and have been privileged to help the project grow from its small beginnings to the established cloud platform that it has now become.

I was the main driver behind migration of the OpenStack Charms to its current home as an official OpenStack project which I then led for many cycles as PTL and I remain an active core developer on this project.

I also work as part of the team responsible for the packaging and distribution of OpenStack as part of Ubuntu.

I've spent time in the past contributing to oslo.messaging (ZeroMQ prototyping) and contributing minor fixes across other OpenStack projects through my work in Ubuntu.

More recently I’ve been involved in the design of enabling support for the current and next generation of hardware offload enabled network cards in OVN and OpenStack and I'm currently working on there-design of the OpenStack Charms deployment approach.

I have not served on the TC before but I believe I can bring a valuable technical voice from an OpenStack distribution and deployment tooling perspective.  For the majority of operators this will be their primary route for adoption of OpenStack as a cloud platform.

As a member of the TC I would look for opportunities to enable better collaboration between deployment projects and core projects to ensure that OpenStack becomes easier to consume.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my candidacy for this role.


James Page (irc:jamespage)
Principal Software Engineer