Hi All,

I attended OpenInfra summit and PTG at Shanghai last week. It was an interesting event with lots of discussion happening around different OpenStack projects. I was mostly associated with Glance and cross-projects work related to Glance. There were other topics around Edge, UI and QA.

During summit Me and Erno gave a Glance project update where we discussed what we achieved in Train cycle and what we are going to do in Ussuri cycle.

As multiple stores feature is stabilized during Train, In Ussuri main focus of glance is on enhancing /v2/import API to import single image into multiple stores and copying existing images to multiple stores to avoid the manual efforts required by operator to copy the image across the stores. New delete API will also be added to delete the image from single store, also cinder driver of glance_store needs refactoring so that it can use multiple backends configured by cinder. Efforts will be continued for cluster awareness of glance API during this cycle as well. Apart from these edge related work, Glance team will also work on removing deprecated registry and related functional tests, removing of sheepdog driver from glance_store, adding s3 driver with multiple stores support in glance_store and some urgent bug fixes.

Cross-Project work:
In this PTG we had discussion with Nova and Cinder regarding the adoption of multiple store feature of Glance. As per discussion we have finalized the design and Glance team will work together with Nova and Cinder  towards adding multiple store support feature in Train cycle.

Support for Glance multiple stores in Cinder:
As per discussion, volume-type will be used to add which store the image will be uploaded on upload-to-image operation, also cinder will send base image id to glance as a header using which glance will upload the image created from volume to all those stores in which base image is present.

Nova snapshots to dedicated store:
Agreement is, Nova will send us a base image id to glance as a header using which glance will upload the instance snapshot to all those stores in which base image is present.

Talk with QA team:
Glance has also talked with QA team for adding new tempest coverage for newly added features in the last couple of cycles, Glance team will work with tempest to add below new tempest tests.
1. New import workflow (image conversion, inject metadata etc.) - Depends on https://review.opendev.org/#/c/545483/ devstack patch
2. Hide old images
3. Multiple stores: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/689104/ in devstack
   3.1 Devstack patch + zuul job to setup multiple stores and the job will run on glance and run glance api and scenario tests
4. Delete barbican secrets from glance images
   4.1 add the tests the in barbican-tempest-plugin
   4.2 run as part of barbican gate using their job
   4.3 run that tests with new job (multi stores) on glance gate. do not run barbican job on glance.

Below is the Ussuri cycle planning and deadline for Glance.

Ussuri milestone planning:

Ussuri U1 - December 09-13:
1. Import image in multiple stores (Specs + Implementation)
2. Copy existing image in multiple stores (Specs + Implementation)
3. S3 driver for glance
4. remove sheepdog driver from glance_store
5. Fix subunit parser error
6. Modify existing nova and cinder specs

Ussuri U2 - February 10-14
1. Cluster awareness of glance API nodes
2. remove registry code
3. Delete image from single store
4. Nova and Cinder upload snapshot/volume to glance
5. image-import.conf parsing issue with uwsgi

Ussuri U3 - April 06-10
1. Multiple cinder store support in glance_store (specs + implementation)
2. Creating image from volume using ceph (slow uploading issue)
3. Image encryption
4. Tempest work

Glance PTG planning etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Glance-Ussuri-PTG-planning

Let me know if you guys need  more details on this.
Thanks & Best Regards,

Abhishek Kekane