On 2022-06-21 17:03:00 +0200 (+0200), Artem Goncharov wrote: [...]
Some month ago gophercloud folks came to us and wanted to give source code under the foundation. Feedback from us was more or less: you either host on opendev and use gerrit or not at all. [...]
I think there are some misconceptions or conflation of separate ideas here. First, I hadn't heard that gophercloud folks wanted to be legally represented by the Open Infrastructure Foundation. This is an entirely separate concern from whether or not the project does its development within the OpenDev Collaboratory. There are official OpenInfra projects which rely on Github, Jenkins, and other tools outside OpenDev (Kata Containers is a long-standing example there). If you want a project hosted *within* the OpenDev Collaboratory, that means Gerrit explicitly. The OpenDev community systems administrators run an integrated instance of Gerrit and Zuul, and all projects gated by OpenDev's Zuul deployment must be in OpenDev's Gerrit deployment. As noted, that's an entirely separate concern from whether the project is legally represented by the foundation. -- Jeremy Stanley