On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 8:33 AM Giulio Fidente <gfidente@redhat.com> wrote:
o/ TripleO's & Happy New Year \o/
if you are tracking the ci squad you may know that one area of focus recently is moving the scenario-multinode jobs to harder/better/faster/stronger (most importantly *smaller* but not as cool) scenario-standalone equivalents.
Scenarios 1-4 are now merged [1]. For the current sprint [2] ci squad is doing cleanup on those. This includes making sure the new jobs are used in all the places the multinode jobs were e.g.[3][4] (& scens 2/3 will follow) and fixing any missing services or any other nits we find. Once done we can move on to the rest - scenarios 5/6 etc.
We are looking for any feedback about the jobs in general or any one in particular if you have some special interest in a particular service (see [5] for reminder about services and scenarios).
Most importantly those jobs are now being set as voting (e.g. already done for 1/4 at [1]) and the next natural step once voting is to add them into the master promotion pipeline. Please let us know if you think this is a bad idea or with any other feedback or suggestion.
On 1/3/19 4:19 PM, Marios Andreou wrote: thanks a lot!
note that these are the two scenarios testing ceph: I guess what I'm trying to say, is that if I can change, and you can change, everybody can change!
(rocky balboa TM) -- Giulio Fidente GPG KEY: 08D733BA
Well said Giulio, lolz. Folks, please do take time to help review and merge these patches. Noting this is a big part in reducing TripleO's upstream resource footprint. You may recall upstream infra detailing our very large consumption of upstream resources [1][2]. 99% of the multinode scenario 1-4 jobs should be able to moved to the standalone deployment. If you think you have an exception please reach out to the team in #tripleo. Forward looking, once scenario 1-4 are updated across all the projects we'll start to tackle the other scenario jobs one at a time [3] Thanks [1] https://gist.github.com/notmyname/8bf3dbcb7195250eb76f2a1a8996fb00 [2] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-September/134867.htm... [3] https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-heat-templates/blob/master/README.rst#s...