On Mon, 2021-08-09 at 10:36 -0500, number9 wrote:
On 2021-08-09 05:59, Stephen Finucane wrote:
On Thu, 2021-08-05 at 12:25 -0500, number9 wrote:
I have posted this on stackexchange, but am also asking here:
Running openstack on Ubuntu 20.04 with a controller node and four compute nodes. I am reading the instructions on configuring SPICE here. I will admit, I found out about which packages to install from other sites, as the instructions at the link do not actually list any software that needs to be installed.
On the compute nodes and controller, I installed nova-spiceproxy On the controller I installed nova-spiceproxy and spice-html5
Not an answer, but as an aside SPICE support is poorly maintained in nova and its usage not generally advised. It may be removed in a future release. I would suggest relying on noVNC instead. With that said...
Hrm, I might try to go back to noVNC. I could never get that working either.
I followed the instructions in the link on configuring /etc/nova/nova.conf on the controller and all compute nodes.
There's a typo here, but it shouldn't matter - that config option has been replaced by the '[vnc] enabled' option below. The doc clearly needs an update. As another aside, because virtually everyone seems to use an installer, the actual install guides get very TLC and are subsequently prone to bitrot :( However, the remote console doc at [1] was updated in recent releases and should be relatively accurate.
[1] https://docs.openstack.org/nova/latest/admin/remote-console-access.html
I have been referencing the above doc. I am just noting that I was putting in redundancies as I never know what is really working in the configs when there are differences from say one version to the next.
# yes, I know it is redundant, I am following the docs...
[vnc] enabled = false
[spice] enabled = true agent_enabled = true html5proxy_base_url = # the above IP is the IP of the controller. server_listen = server_proxyclient_address =
So I assume '' is address of the controller and '' is the address of the compute node, yes? Is the former publicly accessible from the same place you're browsing the web UX? I would assume not, given it's a private network IP. If not, this needs to be updated. This is the value returned from the API which is in turn used by Horizon iirc.
YES, the private internal IIP address scheme is what people hit horizon dashboard on. The clients are am on a private internal network.
Another thing to try is to connect the server directly using a local SPICE or VNC client. The IP address will be the IP of the compute host, while the port can be seen in the XML for each individual instance. This isn't a long-term solution but it's another way to rule out potentially faulty or misconfigured components.
I suspect the issue is with the address used for '[spice] html5proxy_base_url'. I would suggest using the 'openstack console url show' command to get a URL to access the console without needing to invoke Horizon. If you're able to access this URL then the issue is instead somewhere in Horizon. If not, it's definitely nova. You can also enable debug-level logging for the nova-spicehtml5proxy and nova-novncproxy services to ensure you're actually seeing a connection from your browser.
I will check openstack console url show
It says I need a <server>, but no matter what I put in, I get "no server name or ID of that exists".
Huh, perhaps I am loosing my mind? I can login to horizon and spin up VMs, but this is blank:
openstack server list
As I was trying different server names on openstack console url show.
This sounds like you are using a different tenant/project and possibly different user for the CLI vs. the web UI. If you're using a stackrc file, check the value of the 'OS_PROJECT_ID' and 'OS_PROJECT_NAME' environment variables against what's showing in your web UI (top right corner, iirc). If you're using a 'clouds.yaml' file, check the value of 'clouds.$cloud.auth.project_id' and 'clouds.$cloud.auth.project_name' against same. Stephen