Hello neutrinos,

it is time again to start a new bug deputy rotation:
and my turn for last week's bugs

A relatively quiet week (it is the holiday season in quite a few parts of the world!) with fixes already merged for most bugs.
Two bugs to highlight though (and in need of some neutron eyes): a manila job failing with IPv6 VMs (1940324) and a live-migration issue (1986003)

* neutron-tempest-plugin failing on networking-bagpipe tests - https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1986534
networking-bagpipe also needed update after neutron-lib constants rehoming, fix merged: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/networking-bagpipe/+/852867

* [CI][Devstack] Failing to SSH to test VMs with IPv6 - https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1940324
LVM job for manila fails on IPv6 hosts with socket.timeout: timed out, if CI/IPv6 gurus can take a look and help manila team

* neutron-dynamic-routing: Continuous warning because of missing context wrapper - https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1984238
Previous fix missed one context wrapper, fix by tkajinam https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-dynamic-routing/+/852775

* Replace "click" with "cliff" - https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1985049
Several patches in progress to update tools using click, see LP for details
Original started as bug to add click to requirements - https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1984109
* [OVN] Remove "FIPAddDeleteEvent" event - https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1985096
Unassigned cleanup bug, workaround is not needed since OVN v20.03.0
* DeprecationWarning: Using the 'user' argument is deprecated in version '2.18' and will be removed in version '3.0', please use the 'user_id' argument instead - https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1986418
Fix merged https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/853050
* DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence \u - https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1986421
Fix merged https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/853051
* PkgResourcesDeprecationWarning: <MagicMock name='execute().split().__getitem__().__getitem__()' id='140417024565696'> is an invalid version and will not be supported in a future release - https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1986428
Fix also merged: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/853053
Thanks Takashi Natsume for this series of deprecation fixes

* Exception in concurrent port binding activation - https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1986003
Live migration issue that I did not have time to dig into - any takers?

Have a nice week!
Bernard Cafarelli