16 May
16 May
4:07 a.m.
Hello Tacker team, and Trinh. As I said in the vPTG, I want to cover the blueprint "*Prometheus Plugin for VNF Monitoring in Tacker VNF Manager*" ( https://blueprints.launchpad.net/tacker/+spec/prometheus-plugin) This blueprint is not updated for long time, and also no development is not in progress. So Trinh, can I update the spec and develop that plugin if you don't mind? Best Regards, Jaewook. ================================================ *Jaewook Oh* (오재욱) IISTRC - Internet Infra System Technology Research Center 369 Sangdo-ro, Dongjak-gu, 06978, Seoul, Republic of Korea Tel : +82-2-820-0841 | Mobile : +82-10-9924-2618 E-mail : jwoh95@dcn.ssu.ac.kr ================================================