I'd like to reject VM creation or mutate the request depending on custom (business) logic
for example
- reject duplicate names within the same neutron network(s)
On Thu, 2021-07-08 at 13:47 +0200, gustavo panizzo wrote: there is kind of a config option that will do this in nova https://docs.openstack.org/nova/latest/configuration/config.html#DEFAULT.osa... you can require server nbames to be unique at the project or global level. its not per network but similar. i assuem you are using designate or simialr to regsiter the vsm in dns extra and that is why you want them to be unique per network. not that you can have multipel ports on the same network attached to the same vm too so you will have to be carful not to break that if its imporatnt to your usecase.
- change the VM name to append a number or increase it (VM-1 requested, VM-1 already exists so it gets created as VM-2)
you could do this with midelware using oslo.middelware and updating nova paste.ini file to runit here is the default requestid middelware for example https://github.com/openstack/oslo.middleware/blob/master/oslo_middleware/req... we have our own version of that which is enabeld here https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/etc/nova/api-paste.ini#L48-L49
- reject some values for particular keys on metadata (role=db rejected for project foo) again this can be done with midelware in the same way
How can I accomplish this? I really don't want to patch nova
you can do this without patching nova but just a word of warnign that it will likely violate any supprot agreement you may have if you are extendign a vendor distibution of openstack if you are deploying form souce however this is the "supported" way to do this. supported is proably oversting things but this is what middelware is for.
PS: I found https://github.com/roaet/wafflehaus but it looks it hasn't been touched in years