Hi All, We had our second virtual PTG last week from 26th October to 30th October 2020. Thanks to everyone who joined the virtual PTG sessions. Using bluejeans app we had lots of discussion around different topics for glance, glance + cinder and glance + tempest. I have created etherpad [1] with Notes from session and which also includes the recordings of each discussion. The same etherpad includes milestone wise priorities at the bottom. Below topics we discussed during PTG: 1. Victoria retrospection 2. Image encryption (progress) 3. Remove single store configuration from glance_store 4. Cache-API 5. Duplicate downloads 6. Extend issue when using nfs cinder backend (with cinder team) 7. Multi-format images 8. Cluster awareness 9. Improve performance of ceph/rbd store of glance (multi-threaded rbd driver) 10. Task API's for general users 11. Tempest enhancement/bridge gap between glance and tempest 12. Code cleanup, enhancements 13. Wallaby priorities Kindly let me know if you have any questions about the same. [1] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/glance-wallaby-ptg Thank you, Abhishek