On Wed, Mar 15, 2023 at 11:34 AM Alvaro Soto <alsotoes@gmail.com> wrote:
> So you can test and get fresh log outputs, please do the following
> manila create <PARAMS>
> manila list
> manila show <PARAMS>
> Then go to https://pastebin.com/ and paste the CLI output and errors you see on the manila log files
> Friendly reminder: please click on 'reply all' so this thread can help more people
++ thanks Alvaro!

I'd like to point back to the doc that Alvaro linked in his original response: https://docs.openstack.org/manila/latest/admin/capabilities_and_extra_specs.html 
With "manila pool-list --detail", you are able to see the backend's capabilities. You would use this information to create share types. The share type you're using needs to have the extra-spec "snapshot_support=True". Without it, shares created of that type will not support snapshots. 

> Cheers!
> On Tue, Mar 14, 2023 at 1:53 AM garcetto <garcetto@gmail.com> wrote:
>> seems enabled...dont know why is not working...
>> $ manila pool-list --detail
>> +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
>> | Property                             | Value                                        |
>> +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
>> | name                                 | ostack-test@generic#GENERIC                |
>> | share_backend_name                   | GENERIC                                      |
>> | driver_handles_share_servers         | True                                         |
>> | vendor_name                          | Open Source                                  |
>> | driver_version                       | 1.0                                          |
>> | storage_protocol                     | NFS_CIFS                                     |
>> | total_capacity_gb                    | unknown                                      |
>> | free_capacity_gb                     | unknown                                      |
>> | reserved_percentage                  | 0                                            |
>> | reserved_snapshot_percentage         | 0                                            |
>> | reserved_share_extend_percentage     | 0                                            |
>> | qos                                  | False                                        |
>> | pools                                | None                                         |
>> | snapshot_support                     | True                                         |
>> | create_share_from_snapshot_support   | True                                         |
>> | revert_to_snapshot_support           | False                                        |
>> | mount_snapshot_support               | False                                        |
>> | replication_domain                   | None                                         |
>> | filter_function                      | None                                         |
>> | goodness_function                    | None                                         |
>> | security_service_update_support      | False                                        |
>> | network_allocation_update_support    | False                                        |
>> | share_server_multiple_subnet_support | False                                        |
>> | max_shares_per_share_server          | -1                                           |
>> | max_share_server_size                | -1                                           |
>> | share_group_stats                    | {'consistent_snapshot_support': None}        |
>> | ipv4_support                         | True                                         |
>> | ipv6_support                         | False                                        |
>> | server_pools_mapping                 | {'2242964f-be38-4f11-8c90-cdcfcd20c20a': []} |
>> | timestamp                            | 2023-03-13T09:13:06.331713                   |
>> +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
>> On Mon, Mar 13, 2023 at 11:45 PM Alvaro Soto <alsotoes@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> If you are inside this features support matrix
>>> https://docs.openstack.org/manila/latest/admin/share_back_ends_feature_support_mapping.html#share-back-ends-feature-support-mapping
>>> Examine your configuration as well:
>>> snapshot_support indicates whether snapshots are supported for shares created on the pool/backend. When administrators do not set this capability as an extra-spec in a share type, the scheduler can place new shares of that type in pools without regard for whether snapshots are supported, and those shares will not support snapshots.
>>> https://docs.openstack.org/manila/latest/admin/capabilities_and_extra_specs.html
>>> Cheers!
>>> On Mon, Mar 13, 2023 at 3:35 AM garcetto <garcetto@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> good morning,
>>>> i am using manila and generic driver with dhss true, but cannot create snapshot from shares, any help? where can i look at?
>>>> (cinder backend is a linux nfs server)
>>>> thank you
>>>> $ manila snapshot-create share-01 --name Snapshot1
>>>> ERROR: Snapshots cannot be created for share '2c8b1b3d-ef82-4372-94df-678539f0d843' since it does not have that capability. (HTTP 422) (Request-ID: req-cab23a46-37dc-4f2b-b26c-d6b21b7453ba)
>>> --
>>> Alvaro Soto
>>> Note: My work hours may not be your work hours. Please do not feel the need to respond during a time that is not convenient for you.
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>>> Great people talk about ideas,
>>> ordinary people talk about things,
>>> small people talk... about other people.
> --
> Alvaro Soto
> Note: My work hours may not be your work hours. Please do not feel the need to respond during a time that is not convenient for you.
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Great people talk about ideas,
> ordinary people talk about things,
> small people talk... about other people.