
I’ve tried with latest version but didn’t go for production with webui.
I deployed and patched it in standalone way which Freezer-api runs in VM. You are able to run freezer-agent without having scheduler|api running, you only need to export admin-rc.

On 20. Nov 2019, at 13:35, Deepa <deepa.kr@fingent.com> wrote:

Hello Amjad/James
We tried installing Freezer .Freezer-scheduler and Freezer-agent in a VM which need to be backed up and Freezer-api and freezer-webui on controller node.The version of Openstack is Train.
Unfortunately nothing worked out 

Most likely [keystone] section of freezer-api not configured properly which those configuration not coming from installation package.
I will paste you later the configuration structure.

Getting below error on VM (client to be backed up) when I run freezer-agent --action info
Critical Error: Authorization Failure. Authorization Failed: Not Found (HTTP 404) (Request-ID: req-0c71d8b4-ef1a-4c8d-8d12-26df763f5085)
And getting error in Dashboard when we enabled Freezer-api and freezer-webui in dashboard
During handling of the above exception ([*] Error 401: {"error": {"message": "The request you have made requires authentication.", "code": 401, "title": "Unauthorized"}}), another exception occurred:
Doubt the issue is with keystone versioning v2/v3.It will be great if you can share or tell freeze.env file for Freezer-agent (For client VM) and freezer-api.conf file parameters.
Also what should be admin.rc file for freezer-webui.

Correct it’s not api version thing.

freezer-scheduler --config-file /etc/freezer/scheduler.conf start
Could not find versioned identity endpoints when attempting to authenticate. Please check that your auth_url is correct. Not Found (HTTP 404) (Request-ID: req-2adb597d-7ad5-45a8-9888-6b552c8e55cc)
Any guidance is highly appreciated .

Thanks a lot 
Deepa K R

From: James Page <james.page@canonical.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 10:19 PM
To: Amjad Kotobi <kotobi@dkrz.de>
Cc: Deepa <deepa.kr@fingent.com>; OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions) <openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org>
Subject: Re: Freezer Project Update
On Fri, Nov 15, 2019 at 7:43 PM Amjad Kotobi <kotobi@dkrz.de> wrote:
This project is pretty much in production state, from last summit it got active again from developer ends, we are using it for backup solution too.
Great to hear that Freezer is getting some increased developer focus!
Documentation side isn’t that bright, very soon gonna get updated, anyhow you are able to install as standalone project in instance, I did it manually, didn’t use any provision tools.
Let me know for specific part of deployment that is not clear.

On 14. Nov 2019, at 06:53, Deepa <deepa.kr@fingent.com> wrote:
Hello Team 
  Good Day 
I am Deepa from Fingent Global Solutions and we are a big fan of Openstack and we do have 4 + openstack setup (including production)
We have deployed Openstack using juju and Maas .So when we check for backup feasibility other than cinder-backup we were able to see
Freezer Project. But couldn’t find any charms for it in juju charms. Also there isn’t a clear documentation on how to install freezer .
https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/freezer/train.html. No proper release notes in the latest version as well.
Can you please tell me whether this project is in developing state? Whether charms will be added to juju in future.
Freezer is not currently on the plan for OpenStack Charms for Ussuri.  Better install documentation and support from Linux distros would be a good first step in the right direction.