I was trying to integrate External Ceph with Triple0 Wallaby, and at the end of deployment in step4 getting the below error:
# Enable use of RBD backend in nova-compute
NovaEnableRbdBackend: True
# Enable use of RBD backend in cinder-volume
CinderEnableRbdBackend: True
# Backend to use for cinder-backup
CinderBackupBackend: ceph
# Backend to use for glance
GlanceBackend: rbd
# Name of the Ceph pool hosting Nova ephemeral images
NovaRbdPoolName: vms
# Name of the Ceph pool hosting Cinder volumes
CinderRbdPoolName: volumes
# Name of the Ceph pool hosting Cinder backups
CinderBackupRbdPoolName: backups
# Name of the Ceph pool hosting Glance images
GlanceRbdPoolName: images
# Name of the user to authenticate with the external Ceph cluster
CephClientUserName: admin
# The cluster FSID
CephClusterFSID: 'ca3080-aaaa-4d1a-b1fd-4aaaa9a9ea4c'
# The CephX user auth key
CephClientKey: 'AQDgRjhiuLMnAxAAnYwgERERFy0lzH6ufSl70A=='
# The list of Ceph monitors
CephExternalMonHost: 'abcd:abcd:abcd::11,abcd:abcd:abcd::12,abcd:abcd:abcd::13'
Have tried checking and validating the ceph client details and they seem to be correct, further digging the container log I could see something like this :
[root@overcloud-novacompute-0 containers]# tail -f nova_libvirt_init_secret.log
tail: cannot open 'nova_libvirt_init_secret.log' for reading: No such file or directory
tail: no files remaining
[root@overcloud-novacompute-0 containers]# tail -f stdouts/nova_libvirt_init_secret.log
2022-08-04T11:48:47.689898197+05:30 stdout F ------------------------------------------------
2022-08-04T11:48:47.690002011+05:30 stdout F Initializing virsh secrets for: ceph:admin
2022-08-04T11:48:47.690590594+05:30 stdout F Error: /etc/ceph/ceph.conf was not found
2022-08-04T11:48:47.690625088+05:30 stdout F Path to nova_libvirt_init_secret was ceph:admin
2022-08-04T16:20:29.643785538+05:30 stdout F ------------------------------------------------
2022-08-04T16:20:29.643785538+05:30 stdout F Initializing virsh secrets for: ceph:admin
2022-08-04T16:20:29.644785532+05:30 stdout F Error: /etc/ceph/ceph.conf was not found
2022-08-04T16:20:29.644785532+05:30 stdout F Path to nova_libvirt_init_secret was ceph:admin
[root@overcloud-novacompute-0 containers]# tail -f stdouts/nova_compute_init_log.log
~ Lokendra
skype: lokendrarathour