On Thu, Jan 9, 2025 at 2:30 AM Dmitriy Rabotyagov <noonedeadpunk@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey there,
> In order to simplify and align with most OpenStack projects on bug
> tracker I aim to move Freezer from different Storyboard [1] projects
> back to unified Launchpad [2] tracker.
> However, historically the OpenStack Administrators [3] group was not
> added as Freezer project administrator/owner on Launchpad, which means
> that no current maintainer of the project has the necessary rights to
> manage the mentioned Launchpad project.
> I've added all current Launchpad admins for Freezer project to CC of
> this email, to either of you to add "openstack-admins" [3] to the
> Freezer Drivers [4] team, so that OpenStack Infra team could assist
> with further recovering/managing access to the Launchpad project. That
> will be very nice if some of you could spend couple of minutes on
> making this change and help us avoid cumbersome process of recovering
> access to the project
Thanks for trying to reach folks directly. Since there's not been a response to this post, I initiated the transfer request here: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/820667