28 Jan
28 Jan
7:46 p.m.
Great addition. +1 from me. On Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 7:02 AM Slawek Kaplonski <skaplons@redhat.com> wrote:
Hi Neutrinos,
I would like to propose Nate Johnston to be part of Neutron drivers team. Since long time Nate is very active Neutron's core reviewer. He is also actively participating in our Neutron drivers team meetings and he shown there that he has big experience and knowledge about Neutron, Neutron stadium projects as well as whole OpenStack. I think that he really deservers to be part of this team and that he will be great addition it. I will wait for Your feedback for 1 week and if there will be no any votes agains, I will add Nate to drivers team in next week.
-- Slawek Kaplonski Senior software engineer Red Hat