Hi, I am using openstack wallaby. I have seen an issue not sure if its a bug or configuration related issue. I am using ml2/ovn backend with distributed floating IP enabled. I have made my compute node 1 as a gateway chassis where the routers are scheduled. I have then created an instance and NATed a public IP. The instance deployed on compute 2. When I see the IP address via curl ipinfo.io it shows the floating IP that I have NATed. Then I migrated the instance to compute node 1. I had many ping drops for a couple of seconds then its back to normal. I have then seen the IP address via curl ipinfo.io. It showed me the SNAT IP address of router. Then I migrated the instance back to compute node 2, I had ping drops for 20 seconds and then the instance came back. I have seen the IP via curl, it showed the floating IP that I have nated with instance. Is it the expected behavior ? Ammad