I'm not very well at speaking English, but perhaps I can help translate to traditional chinese.
Also trying to make it more clear.

Everyone can change this page, so please do not translate it.


To translate this etherpad, please follow these easy instructions:
1. Look in the above toolbar and click the '</>' ("Share this pad") button
2. Click the "Read only" checkbox at the top of the dialog box
3. Copy the URL that appears in the "Link" box
4. Open that URL in a new browser tab or window
5. Use your translation tools of choice in the new window
Thank you!
1. 尋找並點擊位在上方工具列的"共享"圖示 (共享此記事本)按鈕
2. 於對話框最上方,將"唯讀"方塊打勾
3. 將出現在"連結"文字框內的網址整個複製起來
4. 用新的瀏覽器視窗或新的分頁打開剛剛複製的網址
5. 在該新視窗或新分頁中使用翻譯工具

Radosław Piliszek <radoslaw.piliszek@gmail.com> 於 2020年10月26日 週一 下午8:55寫道:
Thanks, Brian! This emoticon is lovely. Stealing.

(ノ ゜Д゜)ノ c┻━┻
(ノ ゜Д゜)ノ c┻━┻
(ノ ゜Д゜)ノ c┻━┻


On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 1:40 PM Brian Rosmaita
<rosmaita.fossdev@gmail.com> wrote:
> Apologies for top-posting, but we've been putting the following at the
> top of Cinder etherpads for meetings, PTG, midcycles, etc., where using
> the time slider after a translation has happened still doesn't get you
> back to where you were if you didn't catch the change immediately:
> 不要在这个ETHERPAD中使用翻译工具!
> To translate this etherpad, please follow these easy instructions:
> 1. Look in the above toolbar and click the '</>' ("Share this pad") button
> 2. Click the "Read only" checkbox at the top of the dialog box
> 3. Copy the URL that appears in the "Link" box
> 4. Open that URL in a new browser tab or window
> 5. Use your translation tools of choice in the new window
> Thank you!
> 要翻译此etherpad,请按照以下简单说明进行操作:
> 1.查看上面的工具栏,然后单击“ </>”(“共享此记事本”)按钮
> 2.单击对话框顶部的“只读”复选框
> 3.复制出现在“链接”框中的URL
> 4.在新的浏览器标签或窗口中打开该URL
> 5.在新窗口中使用您选择的翻译工具
> 谢谢!
> -- end text --
> I don't think we've had problems since we included the instructions,
> whereas the "please don't translate" message wasn't effective in our
> experience.
> Text was google translate verified by a native speaker.
> On 10/26/20 4:54 AM, Mark Goddard wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Over the weekend, the Kolla Etherpad [1] has had various sections
> > replaced with (what I think is) a Chinese translation, twice. This
> > replaces the original English text for everyone. I guess that this is
> > some browser based translator that does not realise it is modifying
> > the page content for everyone. The export/import procedure I used to
> > restore the etherpad loses some formatting, attributions, and may have
> > lost content if changes were made in between.
> >
> > Please, we need to find another solution for translation. If you need
> > to make translations, please copy text to another window, or at least
> > provide translations for specific text *next to the English*.
> >
> > If this happens again we will need to move to another tool, such as
> > Google docs. I would much prefer not to do this, and rather use an
> > open source tool that is widely accessible, but we do need to be able
> > to collaborate this week without disruption.
> >
> > I look forward to working with you this week. I hope this does not
> > discourage non-native English speakers, of which there is generally a
> > majority. If I can provide any assistance to make the sessions more
> > accessible, please get in touch.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Mark
> >
> > [1] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/kolla-wallaby-ptg
> >